The Board of Supervisors is the governing body of the county. One Supervisor is elected from each of the five districts in the county to serve a four-year term. The Board is responsible for adopting an annual budget, establishing the annual property tax rate, setting policies, goals and objectives to direct the county's growth and development, and carrying out other responsibilities as set forth by Mississippi state statutes. The Board appoints the County Administrator to manage the daily operations of the county.

Also, each Supervisor is responsible for the maintenance, up-keep and improvements to all county roads and bridges within their district on a day-to-day basis.

The Supervisors of Amite County are as follows:

Amite County Board of Supervisors

Front Row, Left to Right
Jana Causey-Board Secretary, Melvin (Butch) Graves-Dist.4 Supervisor, Warren Leake-Dist.1 Supervisor, Jackie Whittington-Dist.3 Supervisor.

Back Row, Left to Right
Guy McNabb-Dist.2 Supervisor, Tony Patterson-Dist.5 Supervisor and Reggie Jones-Board Attorney.


Board Meeting

As mandated by State statute, the Board of Supervisors meets on the first Monday and the 25th of each month in the Board Meeting Room in the Chancery Clerk's office of the Amite County Courthouse. If a regular scheduled meeting falls on a holiday or a weekend, the Board meets on the closest working day. The Board also schedules additional meetings as they deem necessary to handle pertinent County business and in the case of emergencies.

Meetings of the Board of Supervisors are open to the general public.

To Appear Before The Board

If you wish to appear before the Board of Supervisors to discuss an important matter pertaining to the county, you must notify the Chancery Clerk no later than noon of the day preceeding the Board meeting. Any backup information and/or exhibits pertaining to the matter you wish to discuss must be delivered to the Chancery Clerk by the same deadline. If you have been scheduled to appear before the Board, or if you have a matter to be discussed and you would like to have it dismissed from the agenda, please contact the Chancery Clerk prior to the beginning of the meeting.

Contact Information:

Amite County
Courthouse Square
243 West Main Street
PO Box 680
Liberty MS 39645
Phone: 601-657-8022