Incorporated March 11, 1884. The latitude of Gloster is 31.197N. The longitude is -91.021W. It is in the Central Standard time zone. Elevation is 423 feet. The population, at the time of the 2000 census, was 1,073.
- City/Town Information
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City Hall
251 S. First St.
Gloster, MS 39638
P.O. Box 1019
Gloster, MS 39638
Phone: (601) 225-4216
Fax: (601) 225-4772
Leroy Billy Johnson
Board of Aldermen
Jerry Norwood
Albert Ray Fields
Christine Havard
Eldon P. Hopf
Bill Adams
City Attorney:
Angela Cockerham
Municipal Clerk:
Monzella Tickles
Deputy Municipal Clerk:
Patricia T. Brown
Municipal Judge:
Roger Arnold
City Prosecutor:
David Wilkerson
Chief of Police:
Tommie Lee, Sr.
(601) 225-4771